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Technical Info


What is the standard RPM?

7" are cut at 45 RPM
10" and 12" are cut at 33 RPM

Please specify in the notes section on checkout if you would prefer your record cut at a different RPM, otherwise the standard will be used.

Running time per side of a vinyl (SPEED/RPM)?

At 33 RPM

12” Up to 18 minutes per side
10" Up to 12 minutes per side
7”  Up to 5 minutes per side

At 45 RPM

12" Up to 13 minutes per side
10" Up to 9 minutes per side
7" Up to 4 minutes per side


Files can be supplied in either two continuous tracks (A and B side) or as individual tracks.

Please include a cue sheet with the exact timings of each tracks start and finish time, this will ensure that the appropriate visual markers can be placed on the record.

Please label the files  A1, A2, A3 - B1, B2, B3, etc... to ensure the correct order is cut to the record.

For the best results please submit 48k, 24bit wav files, however we are able to cut mp3's, mp4's, and other resolutions of wav files. Please not Flac files


For commercial releases we highly recommend getting your tracks mastered professionally, this will make the world of difference when cutting to vinyl and streamlines the process.

Here are a few local mastering studios and engineers:

Adam Dempsey

Jack The Bear Studios

Paul Blakey

Matthew Gray Studios

If you do decide to master your tracks yourself here is a very brief list of things to watch out for when working.

Please note, this list is not a "How to master for vinyl in 5 easy steps".
But just some of the bulk standard practices to use when working with vinyl.

MONO BASS: Mono all bass frequencies below 150-250 hz

LOW PASS: Place a low pass filter on the whole mix starting at around 18-19khz on a mellow slope (12db)

BRICK WALLS: This perhaps is the most important, please avoid using brick wall limiting and over compression. These processors are fine to use when dealing with digital formats but do not work well when cutting to vinyl. They cause distortion and generally sound terrible. Your vinyl is not competing with anything else, so keep those transients smooth.

DE_ESSER: Sibilants reap havoc on vinyl. Vocals and cymbals are the main culprits as well as some guitars and horns etc... Place a de-esser over these tracks or frequency ranges to avoid this issue.

0DB: Tracks to be supplied at 0db.


Here are some article and sites that are useful when it comes to vinyl mastering.
